Friday, July 23, 2010

What are the products available in the Philippines to cure hyperhidrosis or oversweating in the armpits?

i'm really embarrased with what i'm going through now because i'm experiencing my armpit always sweats. I tried every anti perspirant but it doesn't seems to work. I've heard of Maxim and Drysol but i don't know if its available in the philippines. Please help me

What are the products available in the Philippines to cure hyperhidrosis or oversweating in the armpits?
I understabd your concern. The active ingredient needed is "Aluminum Chloride". You can use a product called "Certain Dry", distributed by Nuwark Labs Edison New Jersey 08818. Telephone is 1-800-331-0221. Call or write and you can find out how to purchase this, it really works!! Good luck.
Reply:They use Botox here in the U.S., dont know about there, it truly works.
Reply:Are you sure you have that condition or is that self diagnosed? It's hot in the philippines and i'm pretty sure that's the reason why you're always sweating. However, you can go to a doctor and see whether you have hyperhidrosis. If you do have it, then he'll presribe you with the appropriate treatment/medication for it.

Never self diagnose, it's dangerous.

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