im 15 years of age, and in highschool.
and i have hyperhidrosis, which is basically i sweat an excessive amount.
ive stried perscription deodorants and "clinically proven deodorant" thats supposed to STOP underarm sweating, but it doesnt work.
i also sweat from my palms.
is there a natural way i can stop all of this? i dont want to get box surgery. and i dont want to SHOCK my pores, because i heard both have bad side effects, and so do taking pills.
Is there anything i can do, to even reduce it?
I need alot of help.?
First off, a deodorant isn't going to stop you from sweating. It is going to reduce the smell. If you look on the "deodorant" containers, they will state whether they are a deodorant or antiperspirant. You need to get one that states "antiperspirant". These are supposed to cut down on the sweating.
Second, is your doctor treating you for your hyperhidrosis? There are medications out there for that. (prescription). I have heard of Botox injections for sweating.
Thirdly, does your doctor know what is causing your excessive sweating? There may be an underlying medical condition that needs attention. The sweating may just be a symptom of it.
Then I guess that you just have to learn to live with your sweating. Staying away from certain spicy food that would cause anyone to sweat but be a thing to do, but that is not going to reduce your sweating on the whole. It is just going to stop you from sweating more than that you are accustomed to. Sorry.
Reply:That happened to my friend before. I don't know if you would like to do this but you can go the the doctor and ask about it. You can get botox under your arm
I know it sounds crazy but it works. They insert about 2 needles into each armpit and within 3 days it works. you armpits stop sweating. However this only last for 6 months. So you can try it out. But you should talk to your parents and doctor before doing it. Hope it helped!
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