Saturday, July 24, 2010

Im 21 yrs old and my hands have always sweated so bad I can remember as a kid I had to hold hands with everyon

e in a group and no one wanted to hold my hands bc they sweat so much. I even picked a carreer that didnt involve me wearing gloves like a nurse or doctor bc my hands will literally drip in there and i am not exaggerating. AS im typing there is sweat drips on the key board. And my underarms and feet sweat really bad its not even a normal sweat. Its like im going through menopause but im so young. I know i have hyperhidrosis excessive sweating but i cant live like this what can i do. I cant afford the ETS surgery and im not sure about the botox injection. but i want to be a dental hygienist and i know i cant work on ppls mouth with my sweat drippin at my gloves. No funny answers im already sensitive about this. What should I really do??

Im 21 yrs old and my hands have always sweated so bad I can remember as a kid I had to hold hands with everyon
Thats a really tough one I dated a girl that had that same problem. I thought shetook medicine for it never found out though. I think surgery is your only recourse. One thing that I have done before going out on a date and hand holding was an issue is get a really strong "anti-perspirant" and put it on your hands. That was you don't sweat so much from your hands. Sorry to hear about that. save up for the surgery.
Reply:It's hyperhydrosis and there isnt much you can do.

For sweaty pit problems Botox or drysol is your best bet. For the rest of your body try sweat bands or cloth wipes. Women departments have tons for face and body. Dont be ashamed to use them!
Reply:you may have one of these

Hyperhidrosis or Erythrophobia

either or you might want to see a doctor ..they can help you rid yourself of all the excess sweat.
Reply:I can kind of feel your pain because I sweat very, very easily! I keep an extra bar of deoderant in my drawer at work in case I need to re-apply. Are you by any chance drinking caffeine that causes this happen? I blame everything abnormal to be related to caffeine intake and/or stress. Are you overweight? That will cause a fluctuation in your hormones and body temperature. Or, can it be anxiety? Do you have trouble sleeping? I don't know what else to tell you if it is none of those things, but maybe you will grow out of it. And, I think you need to address this problem with a real doctor. Good luck honey. LOL
Reply:BOTOX! it helped my cousin who sweated so bad even when it was winter %26amp; snow on the ground. We use to pick at her, but now I see it is really a serious problem for a lot of people. It will help on your face %26amp; arm pits %26amp; they can tell you what you will need for the rest of your body. Good luck!
Reply:ok as you know you problem and you know the answer for that lemme give you an advice you have to be practical wat i mean you know that sweat is water so you have to treat your self as follow drink much water as you could even fill your stomach till you feel you gonna throwup just befor sleeping and when you awake also drink at least 2 cubs of water that way youu will force your body to get red of excecve water through pee and that way you will limit the amount of water in your body and then you have to start using the bowder to suck the sweat from your hands time and time and there is some creams that used in the fasials treatment helps cosing the sweatting bores you can use that too

hope that helped

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