Friday, July 23, 2010

Does anyone know about this surgery 4 people w/ hyperhidrosis?

Here is the information that I found on Wikipedia-

Surgery (Sweat gland suction): A new technique adapted and modified from liposuction. On an out-patient basis with only local anesthesia, the sweat glands are permanently removed in a gentle, non-aggressive manner. The sweat glands and armpits are first softened and anesthetized with a special solution. After a short period, the sweat glands can then be removed in a manner similar to liposuction. Only small incisions above and under the armpits are required to remove the sweat glands through quick suction. The entire minimally invasive operation takes between 60 and 90 minutes. Patients can go home directly after the procedure. Some can even return to work after leaving the practice, although taking the rest of the day off is recommended. Over 95% of patients report considerably less discomfort and permanent dryness.

Does anyone know about this surgery 4 people w/ hyperhidrosis?
I've heard it wasn't too effective and was painful. I had the ETS neurosurgery done instead. However, this did not fix the SOURCE of hyperhidrosis and it eventually returned. Read on.

Hyperhidrosis can be caused by food allergies, or a mineral/vitamin deficiency. I had it for a long time before learning this.

Check out this article about hyperhidrosis, grains, and sugars. Scroll about halfway down the page.

I had hyperhidrosis and other symptoms for many years and went through all the usual treatments including prescription drugs, antiperspirants, botox, ETS surgery. The surgery was most helpful but several years later hyperhidrosis began to return.

Years later I was diagnosed with a few food allergies. I eliminated wheat, dairy, and sugar from my diet. I stopped all prescriptions and began taking supplements for B vitamins and magnesium.

You can see the rest of the story here:


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