Saturday, July 24, 2010

Is there a way to cure my pams sweating?

palmar hyperhidrosis

Is there a way to cure my pams sweating?
Hyperhidrosis can be caused by food allergies, or a mineral/vitamin deficiency. I had the ETS surgery done, it's very expensive.

I had hyperhidrosis (and a few other symptoms) for many years and went through all the usual treatments.

Anticholinergic drugs, applying topical solutions, botox, and ETS surgery. The surgery was most helpful but several

years later hyperhidrosis began to return.

Years later I was diagnosed with celiac disease, along with a few food allergies. I eliminated wheat, dairy, and

sugar from my diet and stopped all prescriptions. I began taking supplements:

- Vitamin B complex

Contains 50mg of every B vitamin plus Folic Acid

- Mineral complex

Contains Magnesium, Calcium, Iron, Zinc, etc.

You can see the rest of my story here:

Check out this article about hyperhidrosis, grains, and sugars. Scroll about halfway down the page.

Some information about celiac disease

(This is not the cause of hyperhidrosis but caused my food allergies and mineral/vitamin malabsorption)
Reply:I don't know TOO much about it, but I do remember reading in a magazine recently to actually rub deoderant on your hands throughout the day---obviously I would suggest a non-fragrant one!

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