Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sweaty Hands?

My hands get really sweaty and cold, sometimes to the point where they drip. I know that the condition is called Hyperhidrosis and that there are surgical options available but I wondering if anyone knows of some more natural solutions.

Sweaty Hands?
TCM.qigong can help you to stabilize this problem I also suffer this problem for a very long time and tried several treatment but in vain until I started learning Qigong .Now my situation is back to normal.Goto qigong 2 look up for a site nearest your place
Reply:I'm sorry but there isn't no other way to help but surgery.
Reply:Why dont you try using glove . Tell them to f*ck off if they dont like it
Reply:just wipe it away
Reply:please try to put 2Tbsp of salt with 2glasses of warm water in a basin. place your hands there for 5mins, let it dry but dont wash it. pls visit: http://LadyRed.freelife.com
Reply:talk to your doctor and see if there is a medication that can help with that.
Reply:NPR recently did a news story about this condition and some treatments coming down the pipe. There are some medications that are experimental and are currently being tested. You might want to hold off on surgery for a little while.

Also, I realize that it can be very embarrassing to shake someone's hand when your hand is cold and damp... but is it really that bad? Your personality is far more important.
Reply:This sounds weird but I had the same problem with my feet until I stopped using antiperspirant. I switched to a natural crystal deodorant, and reduced the sweating by 75%.

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