Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Help with Hyperhydrosis?

My doctor told me when I was like I dunno,6,7, something like that.(I'm 11 now.) that I have palmer hyperhydrosis,which is like where you sweat a LOT on your hands and its just SO embarrassing.Once my friend fell so when I went to put my hand out she went" eww why are you hands so sweaty?" PLUS I'm left handed,so now INCLUDED to the left handed smudging when writing,NO ONE can read my handwriting because it all smudges so badly from the sweat.They SAY I'm supposed to grow out of it when I am like 12,but I'm starting Junior High so I don't want to be embarrased about people telling me about my hands.And it bothers me so badly,I mean,I read books and sometimes,when I am done I look at the place where my hands were gripping the book and like,the whole paperback cover was gray!!!Ugh...how embarrasing.Does anyone else here have Palmer Hyperhidrosis?Are there any other ways I can get rid of Hyperhydrosis WITHOUT surgery or pills?(again,Im ELEVEN years old.)

Help with Hyperhydrosis?
I have had hyperhidrosis since I was 13. I, too, can relate to the things you mentioned above. I couldn't write on paper in school because it would soak through. My shirts would have armpit stains. I could literally shake my hand and beads of water would come off. It was SO embarassing. I am now 21. Hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating unrelated to heat. You will sweat even when it is cold outside. My dermatologist told me this condition was genetic. I had hand, armpit, and feet sweating. It would get so bad, that I was embarassed to shake someone's hand or even be seen out in public. There are many treatments for this including pills, botox injections, and even surgery. I know you mentioned that you don't want pills or surgery, but there isn't a whole lot out there to treat it without either of them. There are special deodorants you can buy that actually block the sweat glands (or so they say) under your armpits to stop the sweating, but that never worked for me. Plus, you don't even have underarm sweating. There is also Botox injections that you can get in your hands. They are very expensive and painful. Plus, you have to get them routinely because they don't last. Mine was so bad, I was considering surgery and even met with a cardiothoracic surgeon to discuss my case. Before the surgery, I tried the drug "Ditropan XL." This drug is an anticholinergic drug which means that it does certain things to the parasympathetic nervous system in your body. This drug is used to treat overactive bladder, but I don't have that. I use it for its side effect which is a decrease in sweating. This has been a miracle drug for me! It has truly cured my sweating and has allowed me to live a normal life. The only time the drug doesn't work is when I'm really stressed or nervous. Speak to your dermatologist about what is right for you. There are options out there.... just not many that doesn't involve injections, pills, or surgery. Good luck!

peacock plant

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